Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jillian Michaels detox

weird that as I was watching Biggest Loser tonight, I got a few texts asking about the Jillian Michaels detox that I had done in the past! so here it is :

Now, obvi when you think detox you think you don't eat anything right? well I literally searched a bunch of websites and blogs and comments and none of them say you don't eat. So...the first time I did it I think I missed 3 days out of the 7. I ate healthy and normal. I  think I even ate out once. I did see SOME weight loss, but it was more about how my body was feeling and I could literally feel lighter every time I peed. lol 
The second time I did it I cut down carbs to only TWICE in the 7 days and still kept a healthy diet. I lost weight and again, my body felts so much better. I also think this helps with your water intake in case you are having trouble drinking water during the day. It def helped me! 
I'm going to do it again starting Monday probably but I'm still not sure if I'm going to cut carbs or what my eating plan with it will be. 

DISCLAIMER: I found this thing on pinterest AND never found anything directly from Jillian saying that...except maybe an old workout video that now I can't find. lol so I'm not 100% it really is her idea, BUT I think it taste delish and I drink so much water that this is always such a good sub for water sometimes! :) 
and while we are on the water topic, I did find some water FYI on her website http://www.jillianmichaels.com

Q: How much water should I drink each day? I hear all kinds of answers, including 1 ounce of water for every pound of body weight, and six to eight 8-ounce glasses. Which is right?
JILLIAN SAYS: Water is a vital part of any diet and exercise program — not to mention life in general — because it aids every aspect of bodily function. Water is a huge component of muscle and is important for energy production, so if you want to make the most of your workout, make sure you're well hydrated.
There is no real one-size-fits-all approach to water consumption. As a general rule of thumb, men should consume 128 ounces of water daily, and women should consume 88 ounces, but this doesn't mean you need to drink this amount of water every day. Other beverages, as well as the moisture content of foods, also count toward your water intake. The following factors affect how much water you should consume:
Exercise: If you exercise or engage in any activity that makes you sweat, you need to drink extra water to compensate for that fluid loss. Drink 12 ounces of water two hours before a workout, and another 12 ounces 30 minutes before you begin. While you are exercising, you should drink 4 to 8 ounces every 15 minutes. You should consume an additional 12 ounces within 30 minutes of the end of your workout. During intense exercise involving significant sweating — say, during a marathon — you may need a sports drink rather than plain water, to replace the sodium lost in sweat.
Environment: In hot or humid weather, you need to drink additional water to help lower your body temperature and to replace what you lose through sweating. You also need additional water in cold weather if you sweat while wearing insulated clothing. Heated indoor air can cause your skin to lose moisture, increasing your daily fluid requirement. Additionally, altitudes higher than 2,500 meters (8,200 feet) can affect how much water your body needs — higher altitudes may trigger increased urination and more rapid breathing, which use up more of your fluid reserves.

back to watching Biggest Loser tonight,I realize that this show seriously gets my blood pumping! I wish I could wake up, watch it, THEN go work out.(but then I would be waking up at 4am haha)  I absolutely love Bob!!! and I would die for ONE workout with him! I swear everything he says inspires me! or maybe just for someone to yell at me the way he does-WOOOO!!! :) :) I get excited just talking about it! haha and not to mention my little crush on Dolvett (spelling?) even though I always root for Bob's team! :) anyway,to finish it off I'll leave you with my favorite Biggest Loser quote from tonight's episode:
"If you move your feet one more time I'm going to cut them off"- Bob Harper 
(funny one tonight!)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


HA! how far I've come since my last post...I was so excited about running 5 miles and now I laugh about that! here's a little update: in case you haven't heard me crying about it, I won't be running my Disney Princess half marathon in February...booo! but I am okay with it, because I just don't think it was God's plan for me to be there this year. on the bright side, I was really anxious to run so I signed up for a half that's here in town at the end of January! yayyyy! 

okay, so this is what I have learned recently. 
TRUST GOD. sometimes I forget that. I forget that when we make our own plans our Lord just laughs. The Princess run seemed like my perfect first half to run, I was going to run it for my uncle who passed away from Leukemia, it was at DISNEY which is my absolute favorite, and to top it off, I would get sprinkled with Pixie dust at the end. But so many things jumped right in front of it and I kept trying to knock them down, and then I finally realized that this was His way of telling me not to go and I was so relieved after I figured that out. I could focus on other things that I needed to focus on, instead of trying to get rid of all these impossible obstacles I was trying to overcome. and then all of a sudden, things started falling into place. PRAISE HIM!!!! How sweet everything is once you let our Savior in and let Him take the wheel! 

and with "how sweet everything is"....another thing I learned in the past couple of weeks- how passionate I am about my kids. These little people seriously are 'my happy place' when I'm tired, when I'm cranky, when I feel like I can't go anymore, all my cuties find a way to say the right things. Today I was a little bummed about some things and out of nowhere my little Miles love said "Love you to the moon and to the planets and to the stars and to the flowers" and just like that I was fine again. :)  

Anyway, I was writing this because "I finally had some down time" and then my phone started blowing up, so I guess I will wrap this up and hopefully blog some more sooner. and with pictures. promise! :) but, I will leave you with this quote..it's MOST DEF gotten me through these past couple of weeks.